Engagifii APP
Go Mobile
Mobile is the bridge between the virtual world and the physical world. Your organization’s app is the medium for your members and constituents to interact with your organization from anywhere, anytime, all the time.

The world counts on mobility to provide information wherever and whenever it’s needed, and associations are no different. Mobile apps aren’t just for conference events anymore. Engagifii APP delivers the power of the integrated Engagifii platform through a true mobile experience, enabling member engagement to happen anytime and anywhere.
Push notifications are the best way to stay visible to your members. Send reminders, updates, announcements and more.
Whether it’s an event update, important news, or wishing your members a happy holiday, use the push notification feature to get the right message, to the right people, at the right time.
Give your members the gift of easy and simple communication with a directory of your organization’s most important people a few clicks away. Allow in-app messaging and communication if that suits the nature of your work.
Want to send a different message to different groups of people? That’s easy with the Engagifii APP. Group people by their interests in channels and send messages to one or multiple channels simply and effectively.

Use pages in your app to educate your members on your mission, policies, or any information you feel they would benefit from having at their fingertips.
Highlight your staff and make it easy for members to reach out and contact your team when they need something.
If you’re looking to increase engagement amongst members, use your Engagifii APP to publish a member directory so that fellow members can find one another and grow their networks.

Whether you’re announcing an upcoming event, updated policy or general good news, the Engagifii app allows you to host the news within the app and share it when you’re ready via simple push notifications.
From exhibitor booth maps, to class schedules, to contact information, to schedule updates, your branded Engagifii APP is your go-to tool for managing impactful events that people love returning to year after year.